Hidden Palermo
Hidden Palermo
18-26 March 2023

Phoenician, Greek, Roman, Vandal, Byzantine, Arab, Norman, Aragon, Spanish, Savoy, Austrian, Bourbon, Italian and countless others. Palermo has been a home for many over the last three thousand years. Its strategic location in the heart of the Mediterranean, floating between Europe and Africa, and its limited space have led to constant migration, change and an overlay of ways of life. Palermo’s past cultures underpin contemporary life on each of its corners. From antique city planning to botanical gardens and modernist social housing, from the busy harbour to baroque villas, from Monte Pellegrino to the Tyrrhenian sea. From Cassata to Couscous.
Palermo will be our home for one week and point of departure. Guided by friends and experts, our journey will take us deep into the city and its territory taking in the enduring legacy of art and architecture on the island as well as its everyday culture. Food will be our travel companion and social glue. What can we learn from a place that, despite constant change and upheaval, has continuously built on what is there rather than starting anew?
18.03. - 26.03.2023
600 CHF excluding travel
Suggested travel routes from Zurich by train cost around 200 CHF
Max. 21 students