Sabbatical FS 2019
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Due to Prof. Tom Emerson's sabbatical semester the studio cannot offer a Master thesis in FS 2019. The course will continue in HS 2019. We will provide further information on the application procedure later on next year. We wish you all a successful diploma!
Master Thesis Theme A, FS 2019
Studio Brandlhuber + Studio Emerson
For further information please visit
Studio Arno Brandlhuber
The full brief can be downloaded
Documents provided by Sidewalk Toronto can be downloaded
The city of Toronto provides following planning data
3d Massing:
A frist collection of the 3d massing material can be downloaded via
dropbox or wetransfer
To convert the shapefiles into a dxf/dwg format you might need
Gisconvert or MyGeodata
2d Plans: