111 Bunker - ZAZ Zentrum Architektur Zürich
January 2019
Nöel Fäh and Domenic Schmid's Free Master Thesis Obstacle Absolu is currently part of the exhibition 111 Bunker at ZAZ Zentrum Architektur Zürich until 28 February 2019. Thus, for the first time a hitherto hidden topic of the city of Zurich, which has played a considerable part in the urban planning of the city and is still visible in the urban fabric today, is made accessible to a wider public.
For further information please visit the ZAZ Zentrum Architekur Zürich website:
Openings, Serralves Museum
October 2018
Alvaro Siza met with students for the close of seminar week. The Portuguese Way took us from Lisbon to Porto guided by artists, manufacturers and architects, around their cities and landscapes leading us to the architecture of Tavora, Siza and Souto de Moura, the three generations who have shaped Portuguese architecture as we know it today.
‘Conversations with the Álvaro Siza Archive’ is a new series of exhibitions aimed at placing the work of Álvaro Siza in dialogue with some of the most relevant contemporary architectural practices. Invited to act as guest curator for each individual exhibition, an architect is asked to select materials from the Álvaro Siza Archive and present them in connection to his/her own work. Tom Emerson, of London-based practice 6a architects, will be the first guest curator in the series.
Openings play a very special role in the history of architecture and in the life of an architect. Openings are all the holes cut into constructed volumes for the passage of people, light and air. Mostly these are managed by doors and windows. They are in many respects the most active and useful of architectural elements, constantly opening and closing to allow the necessities of life to pass from outside to inside while excluding the perils we wish to avoid. Doors and windows have to be robust to withstand extremes of climate and use over decades, even centuries. Yet they are also the site of our most intimate encounter with architecture, the first touch of the building as you enter and the last as you leave. The opening of the window starts the daily exchange between our private selves and the world beyond, which is why openings occupy such an important part of the architect’s imaginative and technical effort. Openings reveal the most profound relationships between an individual and society.
The construction detail drawings presented in the exhibition have been selected from a collection of over 6,000 drawings in the Álvaro Siza Archive held at the Serralves Foundation. They chart the evolution of Siza’s architecture from 1954 to the mid-1970s. Focusing on the first two decades of the architect’s long career, the exhibition not only provides an opportunity to examine some important, even if lesser known, early projects, but it also intersects political and architectural developments which were to fundamentally change Portugal and Siza’s work after the 1974 Revolution.
The exhibition, organized by the Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art, is curated by Tom Emerson in conversation with Carles Muro, Adjunct Curator for Architecture Programmes at the Serralves Museum.
Runs until 27 January
Juergen Teller
To use everything Tom built
September 2018
Lecture Wednesday 19 September, 19:00, hil E3, Department of Architecture, eth Zurich, Hoenggerberg
Juergen Teller and Tom Emerson will discuss the artist's studio in London designed by 6a architects and the work Teller has produced there since 2015.
Juergen Teller's exhibition, Enjoy Your Life!, in on at the Fotomuseum Winterthur until 7 October 2018.
Photograph: Self-reflections, Melancholy and Blood Oranges No.1, London 2018
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