Making Ground
Making Ground

We started the year with a construction project, but unlike previous semesters, where our goal was to build full size buildings, we wanted to explore a way of making in the Garden, that would be a continuous project of layers through time, where the architecture began with what others had done before us and will be continued after we have left.

The task was to design and make a ground, to re-imagine the meaning and physical conditions of the Garden taking into account entrances; paths; composting; distribution of water; space to work; space to prepare and serve food; places to store tools, materials and personal effects; space to change clothes. To precisely and carefully construct ground presented various challenges and design issues we can encounter in architecture at all scales.

A great day today since the weather is just perfect. The sun is shining with temperatures around 15° C. In the last weeks the students established constructional interventions like a Belvedere, Compost, Water tank and Tool table. Therefor not much garden work has been done in the past. For today we have been concentrated our self on duties to be done before winter is coming. Cleaning the site, spreading new soil to level out our topography, replacing one fruit tree (Hallauer `Ämli` Cherry), turning the soil in the planting beds and put in bulbs for spring. The path proposed by the students along the ellipse got marked with 1000 snowdrops (Leucojum vernum) being planted. The snowdrops will show at first in early spring a fine white blooming line under the fruit tree canopy. An other highlight for coming spring will be the newly planted tulip bulbs in three existing planting beds. We have chosen a nice variety of another 1000 bulbs of tulips: Tulipa Black Hero, Tulipa Cheers, Tulipa Elegant Lady, Tulipa Estella Rijnveld, Tulipa Gavota, Tulipa Golden Apeldoorn, Tulipa Green Wave, Tulipa Groenland, Tulipa Hollandia, Tulipa Ile de France, Tulipa Kees Nelis, Tulipa Spring Green, Tulipa White Triumphator.
Daniel Ganz

Wednesday, 11 November 2015
A great day today since the weather is just perfect. The sun is shining with temperatures around 15° C.
In the last weeks the students established constructional interventions like a Belvedere, Compost, Water tank and Tool table. Therefor not much garden work has been done in the past. For today we have been concentrated our self on duties to be done before winter is coming. Cleaning the site, spreading new soil to level out our topography, replacing one fruit tree (Hallauer `Ämli` Cherry), turning the soil in the planting beds and put in bulbs for spring. The path proposed by the students along the ellipse got marked with 1000 snowdrops (Leucojum vernum) being planted. The snowdrops will show at first in early spring a fine white blooming line under the fruit tree canopy. An other highlight for coming spring will be the newly planted tulip bulbs in three existing planting beds. We have chosen a nice variety of another 1000 bulbs of tulips: Tulipa Black Hero, Tulipa Cheers, Tulipa Elegant Lady, Tulipa Estella Rijnveld, Tulipa Gavota, Tulipa Golden Apeldoorn, Tulipa Green Wave, Tulipa Groenland, Tulipa Hollandia, Tulipa Ile de France, Tulipa Kees Nelis, Tulipa Spring Green, Tulipa White Triumphator.
Daniel Ganz