Body Wonder Land
Summer School 2021
July 2021
The body moves according to its surroundings. It incorporates the space. It feels temperatures, surface textures, the presence of others. It feels pain and excitement. Danger. Empathy. The body always responds to gravity. It remembers. It knows the sound of open air next to a concrete wall. It knows the sound of rain from behind a window.
The body knows more than we think. Its intelligence is intuitive. The body’s thinking is movement and the body’s movement is thinking. The mind is a muscle. Asleep, the movement continues. In life, the human body gives space a meaning.
No prior knowledge, dance experience or skills are required. Every body is welcome to subscribe. The number of participants is limited to 12 students. Detailed information on how to apply will follow by the 3rd week of the semester.
teaching team
Sonja Flury, Myriam Uzor
with choreographers and dancers Marie Jeger and Juliette Uzor
Two week Summer School from 5. – 16. July 2021.
In and around the Cima Norma Factory, Val Blenio, Ticino.
Cost: approx. 300CHF. Travel fees are not included.